I found this really cool website where you take a quiz to see which house you should be in, then it gives you the html coding afterwards. The last question really got me thinking: what house do want to be in? Well, obviously not Slitherine, but Hufflepuff are so kind, Griffindor so brave and Ravenclaw so clever. I just could not decide. In the end I answered Griffindor, but when I did the quiz again and answered Ravenclaw, it put me in Ravenclaw, then Hufflepuff, and I was in Hufflepuff. Wired. I decided to put all three down, but I beleive I truly should be in Griffindor, because that is what I answered first.
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What a lovely idea, Jenii. Nice that you can show all three images (glad you did not show Slytherin).
I too find it hard to decide which house I would like to be in if I were lucky enough to go to Hogwarts, but I think I would probably choose Ravenclaw if I had to choose one, as I don't think I am very brave.
Ah, but what would you call a new house at Hogwarts, if you could make one up?
I just tried the sorting at the link you gave (which I didn't notice before) and much to my surprise I came out as Grffyndor. I was surprised because I don't think I am very brave.
Minx's idea is a good one!
I am still thinking about your idea, minx, but mum, I am not surprised you came out griffindor, because they were the nicest answers.
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